Unity of Central Florida welcomes everyone. We see each person as a unique expression of God with sacred worth. We offer a loving, supportive home for soul growth and spiritual exploration that is rooted in positive, affirmative prayer and meditation. We recognize the healing power of a positive mindset and aspire to support each other with an attitude of gratitude. Our individual inner lights shine brightly as one. Please join us in sharing your light and make Unity of Central Florida your spiritual home.
Our Mission Statement
Unity of Central Florida is a welcoming community, dedicated to transforming lives, celebrating diversity, and supporting soul growth.
Diversity Support Statement
You are welcome here. Unity of Central Florida has a long history of being open, affirming, and welcoming. Know that you are loved the way God made you without regard to race, color, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We welcome you on your soul’s journey to pray with us, worship with us, and join our community on every level.
Spiritual, not Religious
Many people today are looking for an experience that feels more spiritual than religious. Unity is a positive, practical approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer while honoring the universal truths in all religions. We teach spiritual principles that have the power to change lives.