COVID-19 Safety Update

Dear CCU Family, We are all overjoyed to be moving toward the end of the global COVID-19 pandemic, and looking forward to the day when we can greet each other with hugs and laughter! We’re watching the changing landscape of COVID-19 safety…

Divine Order

This week we observe and celebrate Earth Day, April 22nd, a time when we appreciate the foundation upon which we experience our lives, collectively and individually. I stand in awe at the beauty, wonder, and resources contained on this tiny…

Unity’s Five Principles

Ever wonder what Unity's 5 Foundational Principles are? This class will help you go deeper in your understanding of each principle, using Rev. Ellen Debenport’s“The Five Principles” as our guide. Enjoy this fun and experiential…

Individual Divinity!

Once again, we are faced with a needless death a young black man. Shock and grief become overwhelming as we attempt to comprehend how these acts of violence keep happening. Twenty-year-old Daunte Wright of Minneapolis was killed during a routine…

Shifting Souls Boutique Seeks Volunteers!

Looking for 3 volunteers for full moon drum circle for April 25th 6-930. 1 person work table that Collects love offering, one work in the store help with register, one to help between collecting and in the store. See Kara in the bookstore for…

Board of Trustees Information

One of the findings in our recent “Leveling Up” process was that our community would like to have more open communication from the Board of Trustees. To that end, we’ve established a Board of Trustees are on the CCU Orlando website. On…

The 5 Love Languages for Children

How does your child give and receive love? Knowing this information is important in order to assure that your child's emotional needs are met and that they're able to grow to be assertive, confident adults with healthy attachment patterns…

Epic Easter Opening!

The Creative Team at CCU Orlando produced this movie-trailer style video for the service opening on Easter Sunday, 2021. It's very different from our usual creative output! We wanted to create a content link between the Good Friday service…

Orlando Community Resources: Vaccinations

Please visit the following links to find information about vaccination sites and mobile vaccines for homebound seniors. Homebound Seniors - Request Vaccination 03/31/21 - UCF & Valencia College Downtown Campus 04/01/21 - Washington Shores…

The Good Friday Project

The Good Friday Project, sponsored by the Southeast Region of Unity Worldwide, is a virtual service that will be held April 2, 2021 from 12noon - 3:00pm.  The service is open to everyone, but please register so a link to the service can be…